Ch 13 Closing Distance

A. Tick the correct option:-
1. c) Letter
2. a) School
3. c) Both (a) and (b)
4. a) Short Message Service
B. Fill in the blanks:-
1. verbal
2. smoke
3. message
4. internet
5. post office
6. e-mail
C. Match the following:-
1. Written messages are - c) letters, cards, e-mail, texting
2. Mass communication - e) newspaper, radio, television, internet
3. Two- way communication - d) telephone
4. Speed post - b) urgent messages
5. Television - a) moving pictures
D. Answer the following questions:-
1. The early man communicated with others by beating drums and giving 'smoke signals'.
2. A communication means sending and receiving messages.
3. I like the Verbal Communication , because we can talk and listen by this.
4. A letter is better than a telephone as -
a. Letters are in written forms.
b. We can read it any number of times.
5. The invention of writing changed the life of man in the following ways-
a. It became the new means of communication.
b. Saved the written matters for generation to come.
c. Send letters to people who are far away.
1. c) Letter
2. a) School
3. c) Both (a) and (b)
4. a) Short Message Service
B. Fill in the blanks:-
1. verbal
2. smoke
3. message
4. internet
5. post office
6. e-mail
C. Match the following:-
1. Written messages are - c) letters, cards, e-mail, texting
2. Mass communication - e) newspaper, radio, television, internet
3. Two- way communication - d) telephone
4. Speed post - b) urgent messages
5. Television - a) moving pictures
D. Answer the following questions:-
1. The early man communicated with others by beating drums and giving 'smoke signals'.
2. A communication means sending and receiving messages.
3. I like the Verbal Communication , because we can talk and listen by this.
4. A letter is better than a telephone as -
a. Letters are in written forms.
b. We can read it any number of times.
5. The invention of writing changed the life of man in the following ways-
a. It became the new means of communication.
b. Saved the written matters for generation to come.
c. Send letters to people who are far away.